Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Ashraf Alkhairy was the Visiting Scientist and Consultant at the Schlumberger Research Center

Ashraf Alkhairy is a pioneered professional who was associated with number of different institutions and companies in the Saudi Arabia. He is a reputed professional who has in-depth knowledge about signal and image processing, communications, speech communication, seismic processing, and control theory.

Commencing from October 2003 to September 2004, he served as the visiting scientist and consultant at the Schlumberger Research Center at Dhahran.

The Schlumberger Research Center is a research laboratory founded in the year 1948 at Ridgefield, USA. Today, it has grown globally and has setup its research centers in different corners of the world. The center has also setup its carbonate research center at Dhahran in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia and it is known as the Schlumberger Dhahran Carbonate Research Center.

It has two main programs focusing on the Geology and Rock Physics, and the Production Completion and Recovery. The center plays a vital role in the partnership of major clients in the Middle East with the Schlumberger operations, Segments, and Technology Centers.

While serving as the visiting scientist and consultant at the research center, Ashraf Alkhairy has helped the center in the identification of the coupling of the geophones from seismic data and the spectral characterization of ambient noise.

Ashraf Alkhairy graduated, completed his master’s degree and received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He later completed his Master’s in Business Administration from the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in June 2005 with top honors. 

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Ashraf Alkhairy Started his Career as Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Ashraf Alkhairy has done his Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He also won the Guillemin Prize for the Best Undergraduate Thesis and developed a new method for quality control. He hasincredible knowledgein the field of scientific research agility, problem solving, management, leadership, teamwork, initiative and others.

He started his career at the MIT as a teaching and research assistant, and then research scientist. He co-supervised the graduate thesis and co-taught the graduate course, working together with the MIT leaders for Manufacturing Program. Since then, Alkhairy has held several positions at the Institution including  Visiting Scholar in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIC); Visiting Professor in the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change (CEEPR);  and the Visiting Scholar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

While working at MIT, Ashraf Alkhairy developed the models for Speech Production and Consonants in Arabic. He also worked with the Speech Communication Group, which was headed by Professor Stevens. Alkhairy has also assisted Chrysler, Kodak, HP and Polaroid in characterizing and improving their manufacturing productivity and has also done a research in geophysical signal processing and system identification. He also contributed to saving HP millions of dollars by the application of the Alkhairy Quality Control Method.

As a research scientist, Ashraf Alkhairy has also successfully carried out some extensive research projects including An Acoustical Study of Stop Consonant, 1983 and Kalman Filtering of Oceanographic Data, September 1998 to June 1999.He was the Co-supervisor of two Master’s Thesis at Hewlett-Packard on manufacturing process optimization, from the fall of 1991 to spring 1992.

Visit for more information about him.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Ashraf Alkhairy Developed a Detailed Concept Document for the Energy Data and Models System (EDMS)

Ashraf Alkhairy served as a Senior Principal Consultant at King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) at the Office of VP for Research from September 2010 to August 2012. He was also the co-investigator at King Saud University Projects at the time.

As a Senior Principal Consultant at KAPSARC, he consulted on the KAPSARC business, research, and organization strategy design framework. Ashraf then proposed and developed specifications of research project in the near term and developed a detailed concept document for the Energy Data and Models System (EDMS).

The EDMS that he developed is designed to serve as a knowledge hub for fundamental and important data of economical, energy, water, and environmental analysis, modeling forecasting and policy studies. It provides detailed provision of analytics and forecast data and models of the integrated economical network based on hydrocarbons, natural resources and water for researchers.

Ashraf Alkhairy has also served as an advisor in different organizations, some of which includes Chrysler, Hewlett-Packard, Schlumberger and Saudi Aramco. He was the lead negotiator for the science and technology collaboration agreement between USA and KSA as well.

Ashraf Alkhairy has done his Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and his Masters in Business Administration degree at from KFUPM in the year 2005. He is a talented professional with specialization in management and quality, operations, technology management, decision analysis, strategic and international management, project and risk management.

Visit for more information about him.

Ashraf Alkhairy’s Book

One day, Ashraf Alkhairy would like to publish all of his academic research as a book. He wants to do it for himself so he can see all the...